The behavioral sciences and health care
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Behavioral sciences for the next generation of health care providers.The fourth edition of The Behavioral Sciences and Health Care providestrainees in every area of health care with foundational concepts of behavioralscience as applied to individual and population health anddisease. The text breathes new life into the biopsychosocial model byhighlighting the integrated sciences model, which focuses on interdependenceof the contributions made by all of the sciences basic tomedicine. This integration is exemplified by the unifying conceptualframework of evolutionary science, in which increasingly complexgene¿individual¿environmental interactions explain behavior at theindividual and social level.Concise, updated chapters cover foundational elements of neuroscience,stress biology, normal psychology, and social factors in healthcare, addressing both traditional areas of behavioral science andtopical concerns such as pain, palliative care, addictions, health caredisparities, and violence. Uniquely among books of this kind, the textincludes a thorough discussion of psychiatric disorders and therapies,aligned with current nosology (DSM-5). All chapters contain clinicalpearls or vignettes, highlighted to emphasize applications in healthcare settings, as well as review questions and suggestions for furtherreading. A practice exam with extensive discussion of answers deepensstudents¿ understanding of core topics while preparing them forcertifying and licensing exams.This text is particularly suited for use in systems-based and casebasedcurricula. Individual chapters can be used creatively in flippedclassrooms and other active learning environments. Accessible andclear, without oversimplification, the book facilitates interdisciplinaryeducation, providing a common core of knowledge for studentsin medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, and other health careprofessions.