Information security and cryptology
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ICISC 2009, the 12th International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, was held in Seoul, Korea, during December 2–4, 2009. It was - ganized by the Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC) and the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS). The aim of this conference was to provide a forum for the presentation of new results in research, development, and applications in the ? eld of information security and cryptology. It also served as a place for research information exchange. The conference received 88 submissions from 22 countries, covering all areas of inf- mation security and cryptology. The review and selection processes were carried out in two stages by the Program Committee (PC) comprising 57 prominent - searchers via online meetings. First, at least three PC members blind-reviewed each paper, and papers co-authored by the PC members were reviewed by at least ? ve PC members. Second, individual review reports were revealed to PC members, and detailed interactive discussion on each paper followed. Through this process, thePC? nally selected 25papers from15countries. The acceptance rate was 28. 4%. The authors of selected papers had a few weeks to prepare for their ? nal versions based on the comments received from more than 80 ext- nal reviewers. The conference featured one tutorial and one invited talk. The tutorial was given by Amit Sahai from the University of California and the talk ´ was given by Michel Abdalla from Ecole normale sup´ erieure.