Training forever!
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Training forever! Teil 1. In diesem ersten Band findet der Leser grundlegende Übungen für das Theatertraining. Darüber hinaus reflektiert das Buch die lebenslange Erfahrung eines Theaterkünstlers, der sich der ständigen Innovation der Schauspielkunst und dem damit verbundenen Training verschrieben hat. Jurij Alschitz ist ein weltweit bekannter und gefragter Theaterlehrer, der sich mit diesem Buch explizit an seine Kollegen wendet und sie auffordert die Unabhängigkeit und Selbstständigkeit jedes Theaterkünstlers zu fördern. Professionelle Theaterschaffende, Pädagogen und Amateure finden hier Anregungen für die eigene Praxis. Methodisch reflektiert vermittelt Alschitz seine Ideen als Künstler in gutverständlichem Englisch. in english: Training forever! In two volumes, Part 1 & 2 the reader will find important exercises for theatre training. But not only exercises - this book reflects the life-long experience of a theatre artist who has dedicated his life to constant innovation in the art of acting and directing. Jurij Alschitz is renowned for his work in supporting the independence and self-preparation of every artist. A teacher prepares In this book, the author shares his experience with colleagues. Exercises and reflections are designed to encourage theatre teachers to develop their own training and their own unique methodology. A director prepares This book invites directors to start rehearsals with training: a path from exercises to the creation of scenes building up to a whole performance; a way to open actors’ imagination and their capacity to research. An actor prepares This book will support actors with daily exercises and ideas to keep their openness to artistic innovation and risk-taking at the highest level. Drama school is over, but with freedom comes the responsibility to constantly prepare and develop yourself. Training forever part 1 contains around 150 exercises with variations for daily practice. Part 2 will continue with more exercises and reflections on training methods, on different forms of training and the education of theatre teachers.