Establishment of in vitro cultures of porcine reproductive epithelia
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Diese Dissertation enthält einen Journal-Beiträge, der in der gedruckten Version nicht enthalten ist. Der entsprechende DOI ist angegeben, so dass der Beitrag gegen Gebühr heruntergeladen werden kann. Easily accessible, differentiated in vitro systems of the cervical as well as the oviductal epithelium are not yet available to elucidate the molecular mechanisms important for successful reproduction in mammalians. Aim of this project is the establishment of useful cell culture systems derived from porcine tissues representing in vivo - like behaviour to investigate essential actions in reproductive biology and toxicology avoiding animal experiments. Initially, cell isolation protocols has to be developed and optimized. Culture media and supplements are investigated concerning optimal cellular growth in culture. An important claim is to reproducibly generate differentiated phenotypes of these cells. Thus, different culture conditions are evaluated using histology, immunohistochemistry and real time RT-PCR regarding support of a tissue specific phenotype.